by Nancy Bedford, UWF Communications Officer
Join us as we “Celebrate Champions” at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, October 10th in Moor Hall.
Tallahassee is blessed to have many winning sports teams from soccer and little league to high school and college level including the national champions who showcase our city.
There are many “Children’s Champions” that work tirelessly and lovingly to protect our smallest and often most vulnerable residents. They work quietly and diligently to better the lives of children who need a friend, a parent and an advocate.
We are blessed to have Dot Binger, one of our hometown youth champions, here at Trinity. We will be honoring her work as a Guardian ad Litem at our luncheon. Our special guest will be the Second Circuit Director of the Northwest Florida Guardian ad Litem Agency, Deborah Moore.
Mark your calendars and join us as we honor our “Children and Youth Champion” Dot Binger! Wear your favorite team colors and enjoy fun, food and camaraderie as we cheer on Ms. Dot!
You don’t have to be a UWF member to attend! We welcome all Trinity women and especially new members. The cost of lunch is expected to be $8 and reservations are required! Call Nancy Kerce 850-877-6546 before Friday, October 6th to reserve your lunch.