BFC Fall Options for Fitness

BFC Fall Options for Fitness

by Beth Curry, BFC Team Leader

Do you know the five “F’s” of the BFC Ministry? FUN, FELLOWSHIP, FRIENDS, FITNESS and even FOOD sometimes! BFC Exercise offers six weekly classes with all daytime classes in-person or via Zoom. BFC 10-10-10 on Thursday evening is in-person only. One Hundred percent of daytime suggested $3 donations go to community service. BFO (Becoming Fit Outdoors) meets on the second and fourth Saturday of the month for an outdoor cycling, hiking or kayaking event. Advanced registration required for both BFC and BFO. Email Check out the website for all the details:

Here’s the Fall Schedule:

BFC ExerciseBFO
9:45 am / Staying Strong
11:00 am / Variety Mix
11:00 am / Variety Mix
12:15 pm / Flexibility for a Better YOU
1:30 pm / Staying Strong
6:30 pm / BFC 10-10-10 (in-person ONLY)
St Mark’s Trail – cycle or hike
Oct 14, 2023 – 10:00 am
Nov 11, 2023 – 11:00 am
Dec 9, 2023- 10:00 am
Lake Talquin – kayaking
Oct 28, 2023 – 10:00 am with Creation Care group
Turkey Trot
November 23, 2023