
Preschool Graduation

Preschool Graduation

by Stacey Duggar, Preschool Director

May is busy with many preschool activities and events, but maybe none as special as Graduation.  We said goodbye and good luck to 19 kids this year. This class had the unique experience in that they were enrolled during the COVID years with masks and protocols. Don’t ever let anyone say that children are not resilient! Watch out “big school”; here comes Trinity United Methodist’s Class of 2022, and they are ready!

5 of our 19 graduates this year have been with us since they were babies in the infant room in 2018. What a joy it is to watch them grow and learn! While we are not in the habit of listing full names of our preschoolers, please join me in congratulating Elijah R., Maris R., Finn Y., Jake H., and Jonathan B.

A fun tradition for our graduates is to place their painted handprint on the drinking fountain located on the playground! Below Ms. MK helps Eli place his hand on the side of the fountain.  Isla was excited to place her red handprint! You may be happy to hear that despite this being permanent paint, no clothes were harmed!

Our graduates, along with the PK3 classes, celebrated Ms. Allison this month. Each Wednesday for the last 6 years, Allison Corrigan has taught chapel to our oldest kids, and what an amazing job she has done. We are so grateful for the time we got to spend together and for the lessons learned. Thank you Ms. Allison!
