
Music Ministry News

Music Ministry News

by Yuliia Billa, Director of Music

Music Ministry Sunday
Feb 19, 2023
Once a year, you can see all the music groups of Trinity in one place and at one time. The 8:30 a.m. service and the SUN service will follow our regular format. It’s the 11:00 a.m. service that will be different!

It is a wonderful opportunity to observe all the music groups in one hour and to make a decision if you would like to join one or maybe two of them. Or maybe your child or a friend would be interested. We have groups that require strong commitment, but also groups that meet just two to three times before the performance. For some of them a strong knowledge of music grammar is required, but for others, it is not required. There is a place for everyone.

Special music will be provided by choirs of various ages, handbells, handchimes, steel pans, praise bands, Orff instruments, and an instrumental ensemble. Each group will present a music selection. You will hear music from children as young as two years old through adults in their late 80s. The congregation and all musicians together will sing “The First Song of Isaiah” as a uniting song. Come share this happy day with Trinity’s musicians. This is a great opportunity to invite your music friends to attend with you!

Viktor Billa directing handbell musicians on Christmas Eve, 2022

Instrumentalists Needed
If you are an instrumentalist (band or orchestra instruments), Music Ministry Sunday is a rare opportunity to participate here at Trinity. The group plays from our balcony. They lead one of the morning hymns. The music is easy. Let us know if you want to participate (ybilla@tumct.org), and we will get you the music. The children who are playing in their school orchestras are welcome as well.

Orchestra Sunday IS BACK!
After a long break and restrictions, we are planning to have an Orchestra Sunday on April 16thafter Easter Sunday. Our Chancel Choir is full of enthusiasm and excitement and is working really hard to make this happen. They will perform four or possibly five uplifting songs with a professional orchestra. You will enjoy the return of this exciting event!
