A Note From Lisa

A Note From Lisa

by Lisa Prasse, Youth Director

Our youth were not only willing to challenge themselves personally, but they shared their gifts and talents with us during Vacation Bible School, and this sharing may have just changed lives in that one small, very fun act.

Did you know that according to research in 2017, 96% of unchurched people are at least somewhat likely to attend if they are invited? If we don’t invite them, then who will? It’s up to us to reach out to others and invite them to a Bible study, a Wednesday night dinner, a worship service, VBS, camp, or maybe a mission project! We were blessed to have lots of these opportunities this summer.

While we might be done with COVID-19, we learned it is not yet done with us. We (a much smaller group this year) drove all the way to Warren Willis, filled with excitement and anticipation for the summer camp we love and miss, only to be turned away as there had been an outbreak at camp. We were devastated but made the most of our time together (eight-nine long hours on the road in the church bus that day!) and decided then to have an awesome Youth Week together.

We finished off the summer being reminded that “Life is Good,” and we are called to “See Good, Do Good, and Be Good”: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalms 23:6). In addition to fun events every night of the week, we were blessed by our special speaker, our very own Julianne Clayton! She reminded us that it is up to each of us to reach out into the world and share this year’s Youth Week message with others, not just keep it here at church.

We’ve been delighted to continue meeting since last January with all safety protocols in place and look forward to more “face-time” as we head into another new school year. Please be reminded that we have Sunday school every Sunday morning in the Underground at 9:45 a.m.; UMYF every Sunday night from 6-8:00 p.m.; and Youth Bible Study resumed in August! We meet Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and would love to have you join us then! This is a great time for our youth to connect mid-week and pray, challenge, and fellowship together. Please contact Lisa Prasse (prasse@tumct.org) with any questions or if you’d like more information regarding any and all things youth related!

New Youth Intern

We are delighted to announce our new youth intern is one of our very own! Jacob Clark grew up here at Trinity, and we are delighted to have him onboard in this capacity! Make sure to give Jacob a nice warm Trinity welcome when you see him!
