Rocky Railway VBS

Rocky Railway VBS

by Allison Corrigan, Director of Children’s Ministries

We had an amazing week at Rocky Railway VBS, learning all about Jesus’s power to pull us through all of life’s ups and downs.

It was a joy to have such a vibrant ministry return. The building was filled with songs of worship, laughter, and learning. We ministered to 70 children, ages 3-11, with the help of 26 youth and 25 adults. We are so grateful for the service of these volunteers who make this wonderful ministry possible.

Despite our limited capacity, we managed to raise more money for our mission project than we have ever done in my time as children’s director at Trinity! I am so proud of all the children, youth, and adults for their generous hearts. We raised a total of $927.41 to help purchase alpacas for families in Ecuador. For families in mountainous areas of Ecuador, an alpaca means up to 10 pounds of fleece every year! An alpaca’s fleece is knittable, sellable, and profitable for needy families. Alpacas impact entire communities because they provide jobs for fleece spinners, herders, and shopkeepers.

Seventy children, ages 3-11, attended VBS with the help of 26 youth and 25 adults!
We were able to raise $927.41 to provide Ecuadorian families with alpacas that will warm their bodies, nourish their crops, and improve their financial outlook.