
News from your Local Missions Committee

News from your Local Missions Committee

by Pat and Lyn Bevis, Local Missions Committee Co-Chairs

As 2023 winds down, the LMC still has much going on in the community. We hope each of you have had an opportunity to participate in a ministry this year. If not, there is still time! This month sees the return of the popular Angel Tree to benefit the children and less fortunate of Leon County. There will be Angel Trees in the narthex and Moor Hall decorated with angel shaped tags that include gift information. Please take a tag and bring back the requested gift (wrapped) no later than December 10th to be blessed and distributed into the community.

Our refugee resettlement team, working with the International Rescue Committee, will be finishing up a six-month project with a family from Syria. You will hear all about it during the Missions Moment one Sunday this month. And our new accessibility build team will be working on their third project this month! Please consider making a donation to help fund the materials to enable us to continue helping those in our community who need special ramps and half-steps to stay in their homes. Your check can be designated to Accessibility Build MN or you can select Accessibility Build MN-ABM on the dropdown menu when giving online.

It is hard to believe that a year has passed since we held our first committee meeting and started figuring out what local mission work might look like at Trinity. There have been ups and downs. Some ideas have been well received and others have fallen flat! But that is part of creating something new. The committee has grown and new people now come monthly with new energy and new ideas. It is always an honor to serve in the work of building up the community of our less-fortunate neighbors in small ways each month. If you are interested in checking out this work, please come and join us. We have room for everyone and love to hear new ideas.

May you each have a blessed Thanksgiving and be a blessing to those around you in whatever way you can, each and every day.
