by Candace Duclos, Director of Children’s Ministries
Wow how the year has flown by! Our Sunday school and NETKids classes are supporting the missions of our church through donations. During the month of September we collected 13 bottles of children’s vitamins for the Guatemala Mission Trip. In October, we have collected individually packaged food items for HEO’s weekly snack packs. Our ministry continues to grow! We are also preparing our hearts for Christmas!
Finally, I know it is early, BUT mark your calendar now and plan to attend the NETKids Christmas Event, “Journey through Bethlehem” on Wednesday, December 13th, 5:30-7:00 PM. This will be a festival atmosphere for students to share the Christmas story with others. More information will be forthcoming, but please plan to come! Dinner will be available.
I am so blessed to serve the Lord with you all!