
IRC Co-Sponsorship Team Concludes Engagement with Refugee Family

IRC Co-Sponsorship Team Concludes Engagement with Refugee Family

by Rachael and Daniel Diaz, IRC Co-Sponsorship Team Members

Trinity’s refugee co-sponsorship team concluded their engagement with our client family from Syria last month. Co-sponsorship is a partnership with the International Rescue Committee in which community organizations are paired with a refugee family to assist with their resettlement and path to self-sufficiency. On the afternoon of December 3rd, our team gathered with our client family for a picnic lunch to spend time together one last time before saying goodbye. After spending over 600 hours guiding, encouraging, and advocating for our family, our time together has come to an end, and we are proud of all the progress our family has made since arriving here in June. They have created a cozy home in their apartment, the children are attending school, and both parents are employed. They are able to have simple conversations in English and have made friends in the community.

Our hearts were heavy as we shared a meal of eggplant, lentils, hummus, halal meatballs, and homemade desserts. We conversed through our mobile translation apps and shared our final sips of hot black tea sweetened with sugar – a treat that we’ve delighted in with nearly every visit to our client’s household. There is a special bond that is formed in the space outside of your comfort zone. There were many places and experiences for our team and for the family that were, honestly, uncomfortable. With frequent exercises of courage and determination, we embraced the discomfort, and a beautiful thing happened. We were equipped by God to navigate the uncomfortable moments together.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but saying goodbye to someone with whom you’ve shared challenges and navigated adversity is even more difficult. These are experiences through which relationships develop and bonds are formed. We began as two groups of people of different cultures, who spoke different languages and had different life experiences, but we ended as one group of friends. While our hearts are heavy, we walk forward changed. We are changed in the way we understand what it means to love our neighbor and changed in our knowledge of what God can do when we trust Him.

It has been a privilege and a joy to know and serve this beautiful family. Please join us as we continue to pray for our client family as they continue to build their life and their home here in Tallahassee.
