Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

Prayer Garden, October 1st, 3:00 PM
Pimento Cheese Sandwiches and Infused Ice Water will be served.

by Rev. Dr. Matthew M. Williams, Senior Pastor

Sometime between the years of 1210 and 1215, it is believed that St. Francis first blessed the animals. He was prayerfully walking and began to talk to the birds! How often have we found ourselves talking to the birds? From this, this Patron Saint developed an intimacy with the environment and God’s creation. He began to see that everything was a part of an intricate web of life. At the Blessing of the Animals, we too recognize God’s creation among our pets and all of creation. Beginning with singing the beloved hymn of creation, All Things Bright and Beautiful, this joyful, simple, and abbreviated service from the United Methodist Book of Worship celebrates our commitment to the care of all of God’s creation. Bring the birds, bring the cats and dogs, bring the turtles, and bring the ferrets!

Blessing of the Animals, 2022