by Pat and Lyn Bevis, Local Missions Committee Co-Chairs
Dear Trinity,
As we begin 2024, the Local Missions Committee wants to encourage you to get involved. Service is a vital part of our commitment as United Methodists and the committee works hard to make multiple service opportunities available each year for all our members. Right now, we are signing up volunteers for Meals on Wheels on January 15, Martin Luther King Day. You can sign up to prepare cold meals or to deliver the meals or both! Please contact me with questions at or use this QR code to sign up TODAY!
We are also looking for new committee members. We need people who have a vision and a heart for any one of these groups and will serve as a committee member to advocate, stay in touch with and lead mission projects for a particular ministry in our community. Currently we need the following advocates for projects and contacts already in place:
- The downtown unhoused community, through Grace Mission with other downtown churches.
- The Open Hearts Congregation in Monticello, to advocate for their mission projects and involve them in ours.
- Our ongoing work in the Frenchtown Community through Sowing Seeds, Sewing Comfort Ministry.
- Our Angel Tree Project that has so successfully brought our church together to provide Christmas for many children in our area the last two years.
- FAMU Impact and FSU/TCC Wesley Programs, two wonderful campus programs that are nearby and need our help.
We also welcome new members to the committee to bring new ideas and new projects, so please come and join us. We meet on the first Monday of each month at 1:30 PM (unless it’s a holiday – then we meet on the second Monday!)
We send you all our thanks for your support in 2023 and look forward to the work to come in 2024.