by Chris Titko, Director of Music
Many thanks to the 130 congregational members who responded to our worship survey.
Positive comments were focused on keeping traditional worship at the forefront of our traditional services. Many appreciated the variety our current services have taken on. The format of our worship was lauded as well as the preaching and music. A preaching style that reflects on scripture and applies it to our daily lives received the most support.
Recommended changes included returning worship elements as they were pre-Covid, encouraging more lay participation, making sure that children’s sermons are given in such a way that children will easily understand, inviting more outside soloists and musical guests, and increasing participation by youth and children.
There were 35 hymns suggested, the majority of which were familiar. “How Great Thou Art,” “In the Garden,” and “It is Well with My Soul” were among the most requested. Many expressed that they enjoyed singing favorite hymns and agreed that those chosen should reflect the message of the day.
There is no way to encapsulate all the survey results. All combined, they equal five pages, single-spaced, typed. But this article reflects the salient points. Know that the staff and worship committee are carefully reviewing these facts and will continue to analyze our worship services so that worship is meaningful and centered on God.