UWF News

UWF News

“Young Hearts Doing the Lord’s Work”

Join UWF in Moor Hall at 11:30 a.m. on February 14th as we honor a local high school girl making a huge difference in the lives of young underprivileged women in our community. In addition to fellowship and a delicious lunch, there will be music and door prizes. All Trinity women and friends are invited. The cost of the lunch is $8 payable at the door and must be reserved by Thursday, February 9th. Please contact Nancy Kerce at 850-877-6546 to reserve your lunch!

Forty-seven “Santa Sleighs” filled with small gifts were assembled and delivered to various Trinity members at Christmas. Thank you to the UWF women who generously donated their time and an abundance of items to fill and deliver the sleighs.

UWF Circles

Joining a UWF Circle is a great way to connect with a smaller group of Trinity women. The circles welcome you to join them. Contact the leaders for more information.

*Circle One at Westminster Oaks, February 13, 10 a.m. Lynn McLarty has been meeting with the circle and talking about the history of Trinity UMC. Contact Cynthia Smith 850-561-1112 or email cfs1530@aol.com.

*Mary Martha Circle at Julie Pararo’s home, monthly at 6-7 p.m. On January 9, members enjoyed getting to know guest, Joy Williams (wife of Trinity lead pastor, mother of Ethan, and career woman!). February 13th will be a discussion of Mitch Albom’s book The Stranger in the Lifeboat. Contact Julie Pararo 850-385-9791 or email jpararo@comcast.net.

*Dorcas Foster Circle at Trinity library, monthly at1 p.m. February 14. Programs are generated using articles in the UWF Response magazine. Their Sunshine Fund allows the circle to make various donations, including a December TUMC Angel Tree gift. Phone Pals (PP) keeps circle members informed. Contact Nancy Kerce 850-877-6546.

*The Voice at members’ homes, monthly on 2nd Thursday at 7 p.m. This circle makes and sends cards to TUMC members for various occasions. Contact Patti Oakley 850-877-4898 or email pattikitten16@gmail.com.

We look forward to welcoming current members and newcomers at our February 14th luncheon and at circle meetings!

UWF Luncheon, October 2022, at Trinity United Methodist Church