Music for Big Bicentennial Celebration

Music for Big Bicentennial Celebration

By Yuliia Billa, Director of Music

One day, Rev. Matthew mentioned that one of his favorite anthems for the Chancel Choir is “I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me” by C. Hubert H. Perry, and he would love it if our choir would perform it during the service. Right at that time, was born the idea to plan for the Big Bicentennial Service on September 29. It is very festive and powerful music that is written for two choirs and has a great arrangement for the Brass Quintet and Organ. Our choir loved this so much and is very much looking forward to learning it. 

Another song for the Choir, Brass Quintet, Timpani, and Organ will be by British composer Philip W. J. Stopford, “Christ Is Our Cornerstone.” These meaningful words  reflect a strong statement that Christ is our cornerstone, grace, love, hope, and joy, and on him alone we build our church, faith, and life.

The Fanfare and Introit are by Peter Latona – “Let Us Go Rejoicing.” It reflects all our joy and unity as a church on this festive day. Written for the Brass Quintet, Timpani, Organ, and Choir.

Three Congregational Hymns will also be accompanied by a Brass Quintet, Timpani, and Organ: “O Worship the King,” “O God, Beyond All Praising,” to the tune of THAXTED, and “And Can It Be that I Should Gain” on words by Charles Wesley. 

“Flourishes” by Carlyle Sharpe for Brass Quintet, Organ, and Timpani will be played for the Prelude. Our own Viktor will pull out all the stops and delight us with a magnificent performance of the famous Finale from Symphony No. 1 by Louis Vierne for the Postlude. Also, prior to the Service, Viktor will play 20-25 minutes of the organ music, which includes the most favorites of our congregation. 

The special highlight will be at the very beginning of the Service. After the litany at the location of the first church, bag pipes will lead the procession of clergy and the congregation to the historical Sanctuary with sounds of “Amazing Grace.” 

The best musicians for the Brass Quintet, Timpani, and double quartet for Chancel Choir will be hired from Florida State University just for this special service. Let’s proclaim all these Joyful songs with Love and Grace in Honor of our historical church, which is home to so many children of God.
