by Stacey Duggar, Preschool Director
I have a few big moments from the preschool that I wanted to share with everyone!
As you know, we celebrated big this past year as we acknowledged our 50th Anniversary of the preschool! We gathered a few items and buried a time capsule! I will leave it up to the future director to decide when the time capsule will be unearthed, but it will likely be at the 75th anniversary or the 100th! We placed letters and cards from the pastors as well as from the current children and packed a small gift for the future preschoolers to enjoy.
Another big anniversary to celebrate is for the one and only Victoria Tettey! Ms. Victoria has just reached her 40-year mark of employment with the preschool! 40 years! We are so grateful to her for her steady and loving presence in the infant room. I can only imagine how many of your children she has cared for. (She cared for my youngest Rachel in the late 90’s!) We celebrated Victoria at our planning meeting and presented her with a 40-year pin.
We love you Victoria!