Local Missions Spotlight March

Local Missions Spotlight March

March Spotlight Mission—Legal Services of North Florida. The LMC is looking forward to working with Legal Services of North Florida during March. We have invited them to present at our worship services on Sunday, March 19, and we will be hosting a legal clinic on the following Thursday. This is an opportunity for those in our community who do not have access to legal advice to come to our church and learn about what can be done to help them in many areas.

Legal Services of North Florida (LSNF) is a private nonprofit law firm serving 16 counties in North Florida. They provide civil legal help at no cost to vulnerable residents who cannot afford legal help and qualify for services. Civil legal assistance can be anything from accessing social security benefits, disputing tax issues with the IRS, fighting illegal evictions, protecting victims of violence, disaster recovery, and so much more. LSNF’s mission is to provide an opportunity for justice for those in our communities who don’t have access to the courts.

Other March Mission Activities
IRC H.O.M.E. Team—Our interest meeting will be held in the parlor on March 1 at 5:40 p.m. Please join Daniel Diaz and our International Rescue Committee guest, Leah Costigan, the community engagement coordinator, to learn more about this opportunity for person-to-person service to help resettle a refuge family, newly arrived to Tallahassee. Contact Daniel at dfd09@my.fsu.edu for more information.

Capital Area Justice Ministry will hold their annual Nehemiah Action event on Monday, March 27 and need all of our Trinity folk to turn out. We have committed to turning out 175 people, and this includes YOU! Bring your neighbors, friends, and all who care about our community and the issues that concern us. The event will be at Old West Florida Enrichment Center, 2344 Lake Bradford Rd. Contact Tisha Keller at tishakeller@gmail.com for more information.

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Big Bend—Thank you for the warm welcome provided to Molly Lord, our mission guest in February. The opportunity to volunteer with this wonderful organization continues. Contact Molly Lord at Molly@bbbsbigbend.org.
We thank you all for this wonderful church with a Heart for the City and for the opportunity to be of service with the Local Missions Committee. If you have a heart for missions and would like to join us, please do. We meet at 1:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month in the parlor. You are welcome to just drop in, but if you would like to talk first, please contact Pat at bevis.pat@gmail.com. There is more work to do and we need you!