by Stacey Duggar, Preschool Director
Graduation Then and Now
To graduate means that you have successfully completed your schooling. At Trinity preschool, that means that while you know your ABCs and 1, 2, 3s, you also know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that you are loved by your friends and teachers and most importantly Jesus. We graduate this year’s class of kids with all of our best wishes for the future. We also wish the Trinity’s class of 2010, now the high school class of 2023 all the best! Congratulations to all of the graduates!

Preschoolers Celebrate Their Moms!
What a wonderful time we had celebrating our moms at our annual Mother’s Day Picnic! The weather was beautiful and the moms and preschoolers had a nice time picnicking on the playground while sharing this special time together. As always, the highlight was the parent survey where the children dictate their mom’s favorite foods, how old they are, and what they do when the kids are at school. This year we made a flower pot and placed some paper flowers in it to mark this special day.

Representing Trinity!
Candace Duclos, Trinity’s Children’s Ministry director, and I spent an afternoon on campus at the Florida State University Spring Job Fair. We were both recruiting for various positions in our ministry areas and had a wonderful time meeting with students. We are so fortunate to be located next to a college campus because many of our positions are suitable for students (both part time and full time). For both of us, it was wonderful to be back on the campus where we graduated from. The new student union is amazing; if you have not had the chance to see it, you should make the time! Go ‘Noles!