

By Paula Smith, Chair of the Big 200 Committee

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

After more than seven years of work and preparation, generosity and sacrifice by countless members of the Trinity congregation, the day will soon be here to officially celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of Trinity United Methodist Church.  We are filled with gratitude and thanks to have the privilege of celebrating this momentous occasion. 

Much has been accomplished:  

The church has been totally refurbished from steeple to kitchen to basement, thanks to the generous gifts of many, and the hard work of 200th Finance Chairman, John Harris with the Trinity Trustees, chaired by Judy Green.  The 200-year history of Trinity has been carefully researched and documented thanks to the countless hours invested by Dr. Lynn McLarty and his hardworking committee.  Our 200th Publicity Chair, Gloria Colvin, took on her responsibilities with the skill and acumen of a seasoned professional.  The time and love invested by Gloria and her committee in sharing the news and knowledge of Trinity United Methodist Church is an accomplishment few volunteers could duplicate.  

Can you imagine the time spent handcrafting 500 pocket prayer quilts?  Thank you, Prayers and Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry.  How about designing and creating the truly beautiful Bicentennial Banner, proudly displayed in our sanctuary?  Thank you, Cecile Baker.  Would you volunteer to edit and update the complete history of Trinity United Methodist Church?  Not many of us could or would.  Thank you, Marti Chumbler! 

Who would volunteer to design, select, purchase and sell Bicentennial pins and Christmas ornaments?  Oh… and also distribute 500 pocket prayer quilts?  Thank you, Ann Lumsden, Liz Dameron and the Mary Martha Circle.

If you need to know someone who can organize and implement 12 receptions over the 12 months of our celebration year, plus lunch for the multitudes on Celebration Sunday, the only ones who could accomplish this are the impressive team of Cindy McDuffie and Laura Rogers, assisted by our talented Culinary Coordinator, Betsy Gingery.  Please remember to sign up for a delicious boxed lunch for Sunday, September 29.  All Trinity members are requested to share in Celebration Sunday fun by bringing a dessert to share.  Please bring your favorite delicious treat and we will recreate the time-honored tradition of Methodist church potluck!  Desserts which do not need refrigeration will be collected in Moor Hall on Friday and Saturday.  Desserts requiring refrigeration can be delivered prior to services, Sunday, September 29.

Trinity is known for its beautiful music, thanks to the skill and dedication of Director of Music, Yuliia Billa and organist, Viktor Billa, with the choir at our liturgical services, and Sofia Fernandez with her musicians at our contemporary service.  Celebration Sunday, 9/29 will be a beautiful feast of faith and music.  

Finally, with great excitement, the members of Trinity dedicated a tithe (10%) of the total amount of gifts to the Bicentennial Campaign during the Fall 2023 stewardship drive.  Over $13,000 was collected for a community project.  Thank you, Pat Bevis and the Missions Committee for your research and hard work identifying and organizing this very special gift to our community.  Sleep in Heavenly Peace will be the beneficiary of Trinity’s generosity.  In February of 2025, Trinity volunteers will team up with volunteers from FSU/FAMU Wesley students to build and equip beds for needy children who don’t have beds in their homes.

Sunday, September 29, 2024, is Celebration Sunday.  Please mark your calendars and plan to come early to get your seat.  It will be a memory each of us will treasure.

Come One, Come All!

Celebration Events for Sunday, September 29th

9:00 a.m. – Contemporary Celebration in the Trinity Sanctuary

10:30 a.m. – Litany and prayer at the site of the first Trinity church building, corner of Park Avenue and Bronough St.  

10:40 a.m. – Members and guests will process from the site of the first Trinity Sanctuary, corner of Park and Bronough St., led by our ministers and the music of bagpipes

11:00 a.m. – Liturgical Celebration in the Trinity Sanctuary featuring a proclamation by Mayor John Dailey, guest preacher Bishop Tom Berlin, and special music performed by Director of Music Yuliia Billa and Organist Viktor Billa, with the Trinity Choir and community guest choir members and musicians.

12:15 p.m. – Boxed lunch for all on the church grounds.  Desserts provided by church members.  A love offering will be collected for your lunch. Please RSVP your attendance at lunch using the QR code. 

ALL are welcome.  Much is anticipated.  Please plan ahead to join the celebration of 200 years of faith, family and community with Trinity United Methodist Church.

Finally, a very big THANK YOU to our Trinity volunteers and staff.  There is no finer, more committed, faithful and talented group.  Thank you ALL!

All Trinity members are requested to join in the fun by bringing a dessert* to share.  Bring your favorite delicious treat and we will recreate the time-honored tradition of Methodist Church potluck!  Please use disposable containers and disposable serving utensils.  

*Desserts that do not need refrigeration (cookies, pies, cakes) can be delivered to Moor Hall on Friday and Saturday.  Desserts requiring refrigeration can be delivered to Moor Hall prior to services, Sunday 9/29.

Volunteer to Make History!

History is in the making for Celebration Sunday, September 29, 2024!  Please sign up now to volunteer for the best event in 200 years. Your help is needed to set up, prepare, serve and break down for a very exciting day.
