by Beth Curry, BFC Team Leader
What a summer it’s been! Due to the excessive heat and the rising Covid numbers, BFC Ministry had to change plans a bit mid-summer, but BFC Exercise and BFO (Becoming Fit Outdoors) haven’t skipped a beat.

BFC Exercise – In July the BFC Exercise program went back to Zoom only classes due to CDC raising Leon County’s Covid Community Level to High/Red and recommending masks for indoor activities—but that didn’t stop us from having fun and getting a good workout! There are still six weekly classes via Zoom for beginner to advanced (and as soon as it’s safe, the in-person option will be offered again).
BFO (Becoming Fit Outdoors) Walking/Hiking – Once the heat index hit one hundred, BFO Walking/Hiking switched to a cooler (and much safer) option— pool exercise! It’s been a blast working out with pool noodles and balls and learning about the Mediterranean Diet. Summer Session #2 started July 21 and runs through September 7, meeting for an hour each week on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Come join us for a walk (weather permitting)—or pool exercise at the Drake’s house. (Knowing how to swim is not necessary.)
Registration in advance is required for both BFC Exercise and BFO. Please visit the Trinity website for class descriptions, program and donation information, or email for registration forms and/or Zoom links. Since things change each week, keep an eye on the weekly News & Notes email from Trinity each Tuesday for the most current information for both BFC Exercise and BFO.