Angel Tree

Angel Tree

by Pat & Lyn Bevis, Local Missions Committee Chairs

Angels will be among us this month as we provide Christmas gifts for children in need in our community. Christmas trees with information tags will be placed in the Narthex and in the Welcome Center/Moor Hall right before Thanksgiving. They will be available for just two Sundays, November 27 and December 4. Each tag represents a child or young person who has shared a wish with us.

Please select a tag, purchase the gift, wrap it, and return it on December 11 (with the tag attached) to the altar of your worship service. The agencies have requested that gift cost be between $25 and $40 because multiple children from one family may be included, and they want consistency in values to avoid hard feelings. In many cases the best way to fulfill the wish is to purchase a gift card. Please try to match the specific gift or gift card requested as closely as possible so we can fulfill these dreams.

We will have a blessing of the gifts at all services on the 11th. The gifts will then be distributed through Capital City Youth Services, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Pace Center for Girls.

Each tag represents a child or young person who has shared a wish with us.