by Rev. Dr. Matthew M. Williams, Senior Pastor
You hear it shared all the time: “Our church is growing!” “Good things are happening at Trinity!” “Our ministries are reaching the heart of our community!” “Trinity is the most exciting church in Tallahassee!” All of these sentiments are true.
Given Trinity’s unique vision and mission, the reality that we are a multi-generational and inclusive church, and that we are in the heart of historic downtown Tallahassee, we are poised to be the hands, feet, and body of God’s mission in our world. An expansive fabric of the Methodist family is that we are a connectional church and that we are connected to one another. In the simplest sense, we are connected with each other across geographical, racial, socio-economical, and age differences. Even in a large, expansive, and generous congregation such as ours – We Are One.
On November 12 we will host an All Together Sunday. We encourage everyone who is able – young and old, new members and seasoned members – to be at church on this Sunday and to celebrate in one worship service together.
It is important that we see each other – as many of us as possible – at one time. As you know, our congregation is spread across three worship services on Sunday’s and Wednesday evening activities. We are spread across small groups, missional work throughout the week, and in various community ministries throughout the year. We are seldom in one place at the same time, singing the same songs, hearing the same message, and responding to God’s grace in tandem.
Unquestionably, offering different worship times and ministry opportunities is a missional choice that we make. Nevertheless, we read throughout the Gospels that the early church met together for inspiration, encouragement, and visioning. Following the resurrection, the church dispersed, and the Holy Spirit was poured out, and the love and mission of God was proclaimed to all the nations.
For one Sunday, we desire to be together – in one place, at one time – to experience the Spirit that has been poured out on all of us, and to give witness to the work of God in us and through us!
Following Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 AM, we will celebrate with an old-fashioned Cokesbury Hymnal Hymn Sing in the Sanctuary at 10:30 AM. These songs of hope and revival are sure to uplift your soul and encourage you to thrive in your relationship with God.
Both our traditional and contemporary music ministries will lead us in worship for the 11 AM service. Let’s fill the choir loft! My sermon on this day will be one that informs us of all the great work God is doing through the people of Trinity, the State of our Church as a historic and missional institution, and the ways that God is speaking and leading us into our Bicentennial Year.
So do not just arrive early, arrive early and bring a friend.
Make some phone calls and invite those in our congregation who you have not seen in a while. Arrive early to meet and greet new members who you have not yet had a chance to meet. Arrive early to pray and reflect on how Trinity has been a part of your faith journey and a part of the tough times in your life.
We long to be All Together in this season of gratitude and Thanksgiving as we Renew, Revive, and Thrive in our relationship with God and God’s church!